Prof. Dr. med. Martin Hildbrandt
Abteilung für Transfusionsmedizin Zelltherapie und Hämostaseologie (ATMZH)
LMU Klinikum Großhadern
Marchioninistraße 15
81377 München
Tel.: +49 89 440076709
email: martin.hildebrandt@med.uni-muenchen.de
University training and degree
1985- 1993 Study of Medicine, Freie Universität Berlin
May 1993/ Nov 1994 Preliminary/ Full Medical license
Advanced academic qualifications
2003 Habilitation: Internal Medicine, Charité Berlin; Mentor: Prof. Dr. B.F. Klapp
1993 Doctoral Thesis: Freie Universität Berlin, Medical Biochemistry (Prof. Dr. W. Reutter); Degree: summa cum laude
Postgraduate professional career
2011 – 2019 Executive Director, TUMCells Interdisciplinary Center for Cellular Therapies, TU München, Faculty of Medicine
4/2016 Board Certification, Transfusion Medicine (BLÄK)
2009 – 2011 Full Professor (W3) Stem cell transplantation, Med. Hochschule Hannover
2002 – 2009 Senior Consultant and Head of Transplantation ICU, HELIOS Klinikum Berlin-Buch (Prof. Dr. W.-D. Ludwig)
6/2008 Board Certification, Hematology and Oncology (ÄK Berlin)
5/2002 Board Certification, Internal Medicine (ÄK Berlin)
1996 – 2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, Internal Medicine/ Psychosomatic Medicine (Prof. Dr. B.F. Klapp) and Transfusion Medicine (Prof. Dr. A. Salama), Charité, Berlin
1993 – 1996 Internship, MDC Berlin, Department of Hematology, Oncology and Tumor Immunology (Prof. Dr. B. Dörken)
Chair, Ethics Committee of the State of Berlin
Member, Blood Working Group of the Federal Ministry of Health, Subgroup on Blood-borne infections
Member, European QP Association
Member and Secretary, Board of Directors, ICCBBA
a) Articles which at the time of proposal submission have been published or officially accepted by publication outlets with scientific quality assurance, and book publications
1. Hildebrandt M. Horses for Courses: an approach to the qualification of clinical trial sites and investigators in ATMPs. Drug Discov Today 2020 25(2): 265-268.
2. de Wilde S, Guchelaar HJ, Herberts C, Lowdell M, Hildebrandt M, Zandvliet M, Meij P. Development of cell therapy medicinal products by academic institutes. Drug Discov Today. 2016 Aug;21(8):1206-12. doi: 10.1016/j.drudis.2016.04.016. Epub 2016 Apr 2
3. Forgó N, Hildebrandt M. Joint conference on the impact of EU legislation on therapeutic advance. Cytotherapy. 2013 Dec;15(12):1444-8. doi:10.1016/j.jcyt.2013.06.011. Epub 2013 Aug 28. PubMed PMID: 23992669.
4. Hildebrandt M, Peggs K, Uharek L, Bollard CM, Heslop HE. Immunotherapy: opportunities, risks and future perspectives. Cytotherapy. 2014 Apr;16(4 Suppl):S120-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2014.02.001. Review. PubMed PMID: 24629797.
5. Hildebrandt M, Rick O, Salama A, Siegert W, Huhn D, Beyer J. Detection of germ-cell tumor cells in peripheral blood progenitor cell harvests: impact on clinical outcome. Clin Cancer Res. 2000 Dec;6(12):4641-6. PubMed PMID: 11156214.
6. Hildebrandt M, Serke S, Meyer O, Ebell W, Salama A. Immunomagnetic selection of CD34+ cells: factors influencing component purity and yield. Transfusion. 2000; 40(5): 507-12.
7. Dipeptidyl Aminopeptidases in Health and Disease. Edited by Martin Hildebrandt, Burghard F. Klapp, Torsten Hoffmann, and Hans-Ulrich Demuth. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol 524. 2003 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. ISSN 0065 2598.
8. Hildebrandt M, Reutter W, Arck P, Rose M, Klapp BF. A guardian angel: the involvement of dipeptidyl peptidase IV in psychoneuroendocrine function, nutrition and immune defence. Clin Sci (Lond). 2000 Aug;99(2):93-104. Review. PubMed PMID: 10918042.
9. Mapara MY, Körner IJ, Hildebrandt M, Bargou R, Krahl D, Reichardt P, Dörken B. Monitoring of tumor cell purging after highly efficient immunomagnetic selection of CD34 cells from leukapheresis products in breast cancer patients: comparison of immunocytochemical tumor cell staining and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Blood 1997; 89(1):337-44.
10. Hildebrandt M, Reutter W, Gitlin JD. Tissue-specific regulation of dipeptidyl peptidase IV expression during development. Biochem J. 1991; 277 (Pt 2):331-4.