Integrated Research training group

The central focus of our CRC/TRR is to develop and apply new, advanced techniques to engineer lymphocytes for adoptive immunotherapy and thereby to interconnect CRC/TRR activities between TUM, LMU and JMU. The complexity of this research topic represents an exceptional challenge to PhD candidates and postdocs as it requires the integration of knowledge from different disciplines in chemistry, biology, medicine and clinical research and application. While the CRC/TRR will profit and make use of the established local support structures and generic training opportunities detailed above, the Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) will provide talented young scientists with a project-related qualification program during their PhD. This program is dedicated to the integration of knowledge and methodologies from all CRC/TRR partner sites and from multiple disciplines which are key to identifying and tackling the outstanding biological questions. PhD candidates will acquire a broad spectrum of theoretical expertise and technical skills, ranging from genetic engineering, biostatistics and biomathematical modeling, to basics in GMP compatible cell manufacturing and clinical trial initiation. Hence, the IRTG makes an essential contribution to fostering our multidisciplinary research efforts within the CRC/TRR and effectively supporting young talents at an early phase of their scientific career.

Within the Integrated Research Training Group we will develop an joint educational program on Advanced Lymphocyte Engineering for MD and PhD candidates that is continuously supported by the CRC/TRR members. The PIs and advanced postdocs will also actively contribute to seminars and lectures on Advanced Lymphocyte Engineering in the bachelor and master programs at the different partner sites and Graduate Schools. Furthermore, we try to spark the interest of medical students in Advanced Lymphocyte Engineering by presenting CRC/TRR research topics within the curricular hematology & oncology as well as immunological lectures.

Integrative structure: A central aim of the IRTG is to foster connections between the three institutions involved in the CRC/TRR. This will be realized through the composition of the TACs (with first supervisors coming from the host institution and second supervisors coming from CRC/TRR partner institutions), the joint lecture series and results colloquium (held in an interactive web-based conference format with a substantial fraction of the annual budget allocated to the establishment of this web-based platform) and lab-visits between laboratories of the three CRC/TRR institutions.


Contact Details

Coordination & project management
Dr. Magdalena Nauerth

81675 München

+4989 4140 6887

Contact Form

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