Dr. rer. nat. Martin Vaeth
Institut für Systemimmunologie
Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg
Versbacher Str. 9
97078 Würzburg
Phone:+49 (0)931-31 82491
Email: martin.vaeth1@uni-wuerzburg.de
University training and degree
2005 – 2007 Biochemistry and Toxicology, University of Ulm (M.Sc.)
2002 – 2005 Biochemistry, University of Ulm (B.Sc.)
Advanced academic qualifications
2012 Dissertation (summa cum laude), Pathology / Immunology,
Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg,
Mentors: Edgar Serfling and Friederike Berberich-Siebelt
Postgraduate professional career
Since 2018 Junior Group leader at the Institute of Systems Immunology, Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg, Germany
2017 – 2018 Member of the faculty (Instuctor) at the New York University, NYU Medical School, Department of Pathology, New York City, NY, USA 1996 – 1999
2013 – 2017 Postdoctoral fellow at the New York University, NYU Medical School, Department of Pathology, New York City, NY, USA
2012 – 2013 Research Scientist at the Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg, Institute of Pathology, Germany
Since 2018 Max-Planck Junior Research Group at the Institute of Systems Immunology
2017 Outstanding Postdoc Award of the New York University Medical School
2016 Fritz-and-Ursula-Melchers Prize of the German Society of Immunology (DGfI)
2014 – 2016 Postdoctoral fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
2011 Japanese research stipend for the RIKEN International Summer School
2007 – 2009 PhD fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
a) Articles published by outlets with scientific quality assurance, book publications and works accepted for publication, but not yet published
1. Ataide MA, Komander K, Knöpper K, Peters AE, Wu H, Eickhoff S, Gogishvili T, Weber J, Grafen A, Kallies A, Garbi N, Einsele N, Hudecek M, Gasteiger G, Hölzel M, Vaeth M, Kastenmüller W. BATF3 programs CD8 T cell memory. Nat. Immunol. 2020; online ahead of print. doi: 10.1038/s41590-020-786-2. PMID: 32989328
2. Vaeth M, Wang YH, Eckstein M, Yang J, Silverman GJ, Lacruz RS, Kannan K, Feske S. Tissue resident and follicular Treg cell differentiation is regulated by CRAC channels. Nat. Commun. 2019. 12;10(1):1183. PMID: 30862784
3. Vaeth M*, Maus M*, Klein-Hessling S, Freinkman E, Yang J, Eckstein M, Cameron S, Turvey SE, Serfling E, Berberich-Siebelt F, Possemato R, Feske S. Store-Operated Ca2+ Entry Controls Clonal Expansion of T Cells through Metabolic Reprogramming. Immunity 2017, 47(4):664-679. PMID: 29030115
(*contributed equally)
4. Vaeth M, Yang J, Yamashita M, Zee I, Eckstein M, Knosp C, Kaufmann U, Karoly Jani P, Lacruz RS, Flockerzi V, Kacskovics I, Prakriya M, Feske S. ORAI2 modulates store-operated calcium entry and T cell-mediated immunity. Nat. Commun. 2017. 8:14714. PMID: 28294127
5. Vaeth M, Eckstein M, Shaw PJ, Kozhaya L, Yan, J, Berberich-Siebelt F, Clancy R, Unutmaz D, Feske S. Store-Operated Ca2+ Entry in Follicular T Cells Controls Humoral Immune Responses and Autoimmunity. Immunity 2016. 44(6):1350-64. PMID: 27261277
6. Vaeth M, Zee I, Conception AC, Maus M, Shaw P, Portal-Celhay C, Zahara A, Kozhaya L, Weidinger C, Phillips J, Unutmaz D, Feske S. Ca2+ signaling but not store-operated Ca2+ signaling (SOCE) is required for the function of macrophages and dendritic cells. J. Immunol. 2015. 195:1202-1217. PMID: 2610964
7. Vaeth M, Bauerlein CA, Pusch T, Findeis J, Chopra M, Mottok A, Rosenwald A, Beilhack A, Berberich-Siebelt F. Selective NFAT targeting in T cells ameliorates GvHD while maintaining antitumor activity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2015. 112(4):1125-30. PMID: 25583478
8. Vaeth M, Muller G, Stauss D, Dietz L, Klein-Hessling S, Serfling E, Lipp M, Berberich I, Berberich-Siebelt F. Follicular regulatory T cells control humoral autoimmunity via NFAT2-regulated CXCR5 expression. J. Exp. Med. 2014. 211:545-561. PMID: 24590764
9. Vaeth M, Schliesser U, Muller G, Reissig S, Satoh K, Tuettenberg A, Jonuleit H, Waisman A, Muller MR, Serfling E, Sawitzki BS, Berberich-Siebelt F. Dependence on nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) levels discriminates conventional T cells from Foxp3+ regulatory T cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2012 109:16258-16263. PMID: 22991461
10. Vaeth M*, Gogishvili T*, Bopp T*, Klein M, Berberich-Siebelt F, Gattenloehner S, Avots A, Sparwasser T, Grebe N, Schmitt E, Hunig T, Serfling E, Bodor J. Regulatory T cells facilitate the nuclear accumulation of inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) and suppress nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFATc1). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2011 108:2480-2485. PMID: 21262800 (*contributed equally)