PD Dr. med. Veit Buchholz
Institut für Med. Mikrobiologie
Immunologie und Hygiene
Technische Universität München
Trogerstr. 30
81675 München
Phone: +49/89/4140-6870
Email: veit.buchholz@tum.de
University training and degree
2007 – 2008 Human medicine, Technische Unversität München
2005 – 2007 Immunology, Rockefeller University, New York/USA
2001 – 2007 Human medicine, Universität Würzburg
2000 – 2001 Study of Drama, Film and Media, Universität Frankfurt
Advanced academic qualification
2015 Dissertation: Dr. med., (summa cum laude) Technische Universität München; Mentor: Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Busch
Postgraduate professional career
Since 2016 Group leader (since 2016) and consultant physician (since 2020), Technische Universität München, Institut für Med. Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und Hygiene
2009 – 2016 Scientific assistant and resident physician, AG Busch, Technische Universität München, Institut für Med. Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und Hygiene
2005 – 2007 Visiting student, Laboratory for Molecular Immunology – Prof. Michel C. Nussenzweig, Rockefeller University, New York/USA
2020 ERC Starting Grant
2016 Otto-Westphal-Thesis Prize (awarded by the German Society for Immunology)
2005 – 2007 International fellowship of the German Academic National Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) as visiting student, Rockefeller University, New York/USA
2004 – 2008 Fellowship of the German Academic National Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
a) Articles published by outlets with scientific quality assurance, book publications and works accepted for publication, but not yet published
1. Dudziak, D., Kamphorst, A.O., Heidkamp, G.F., Buchholz, V.R., Trumpfheller, C., Yamazaki, S., Cheong, C., Liu, K., Lee, H.-W., Park, C.G., et al. (2007). Differential antigen processing by dendritic cell subsets in vivo. Science 315, 107–111.
2. Buchholz, V.R.*, Flossdorf, M.*, Hensel, I., Kretschmer, L., Weissbrich, B., Gräf, P., Verschoor, A., Schiemann, M., Höfer, T., and Busch, D.H. (2013). Disparate individual fates compose robust CD8+ T cell immunity. Science 340, 630–635. * equal contribution
3. Graef, P.*, Buchholz, V.R.*, Stemberger, C., Flossdorf, M., Henkel, L., Schiemann, M., Drexler, I., Höfer, T., Riddell, S.R., and Busch, D.H. (2014). Serial transfer of single-cell-derived immunocompetence reveals stemness of CD8(+) central memory T cells. Immunity 41, 116–126. * equal contribution
4. Flossdorf, M., Rössler, J., Buchholz, V.R., Busch, D.H., and Höfer, T. (2015). CD8(+) T cell diversification by asymmetric cell division. Nat. Immunol. 16, 891–893.
5. Muschaweckh, A., Buchholz, V.R., Fellenzer, A., Hessel, C., König, P.-A., Tao, S., Tao, R., Heikenwalder, M., Busch, D.H., Korn, T., et al. (2016). Antigen-dependent competition shapes the local repertoire of tissue-resident memory CD8+ T cells. Journal of Experimental Medicine 213, 3075–3086.
6. Buchholz, V.R., Schumacher, T.N.M., and Busch, D.H. (2016). T Cell Fate at the Single-Cell Level. Annu Rev Immunol 34, 65–92.
7. Cho, Y.-L., Flossdorf, M., Kretschmer, L., Höfer, T., Busch, D.H., and Buchholz, V.R. (2017). TCR Signal Quality Modulates Fate Decisions of Single CD4(+) T Cells in a Probabilistic Manner. Cell Rep 20, 806–818.
8. Grassmann, S., Pachmayr, L.O., Leube, J., Mihatsch, L., Andrae, I., Flommersfeld, S., Oduro, J., Cicin-Sain, L., Schiemann, M., Flossdorf, M., and Buchholz V.R. (2019). Distinct Surface Expression of Activating Receptor Ly49H Drives Differential Expansion of NK Cell Clones upon Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection. Immunity 50, 1391–1400.e1394.
9. Kretschmer, L., Flossdorf, M., Mir, J., Cho, Y.-L., Plambeck, M., Treise, I., Toska, A., Heinzel, S., Schiemann, M., Busch, D.H., and Buchholz V.R. (2020). Differential expansion of T central memory precursor and effector subsets is regulated by division speed. Nat Commun 11, 113.
10. Grassmann, S., Mihatsch, L., Mir, J., Kazeroonian, A., Rahimi, R., Flommersfeld, S., Schober, K., Hensel, I., Leube, J., Pachmayr, L.O., Kretschmer, L., Zhang, Q., Jolly, A., Chaudhry, MZ., Schiemann, M., Cicin-Sain, L., Höfer, T., Busch, D.H., Flossdorf, M. and Buchholz, V.R. (2020). Early emergence of T central memory precursors programs clonal dominance during chronic viral infection. Nat. Immunol. 170, 2022.