Prof. Dr. med. Louisa Baumgarten
Neurochirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik
Marchioninistrasse 15
81377 München
Phone: +49/89/4400-74823
Email: Louisa.vonBaumgarten@med.uni-muenchen.de
University training and degree
Since 06/2020 Senior Physician, Neurooncology, Department of Neurosurgery, Munich
06/2015-05/2020 Consultant, Ludwig Maximilians University, Department of Neurology, Munich
10/2016-11/2017 Specialization in Neuro-Oncology, Hemato-Oncology Rotational program, Ludwig Maximilians University, Department of Hematology and Oncology, Munich
03/2016 Certification „Electroencephalography (EEG)“, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung (DGKN)
02/2016 Qualification „Genetic counseling for neurologic diseases“
06/2015 Board certification Neurology
8/2006-07/2015 Residency training Neurology, Ludwig Maximilians University, Department of Neurology, Munich
06/2006 M.D. Degree (Approbation) Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
2001 – 2006 Human medicine, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
1999 – 2001 Human medicine, University of Heidelberg
Advanced academic qualification
2016 Habilitation and Venia legend, Subject: “Analysis of the cerebral circulation during ischemic and neoplastic CNS disease” Ludwig Maximilians University, Department of Neurology, Munich Mentor: Prof. Dr. A. Straube, Prof. Dr. W. Sommer, Prof. Dr. M. Dieterich
2010 Dissertation: Dr. med., (summa cum laude) Ludwig Maximilians Universität München; Mentor: Prof. Dr. med. Nick Plesnila
Postgraduate professional career
Since 2012 Group leader “Experimental Neuro-Oncology”, Ludwig Maximilians University, Department of Neurology, Munich
2006 – 2012 Scientific assistant, AG Winkler, Ludwig Maximilians University, Department of Neurology, Munich
Since 03/2020 Advanced clinicial scientist program, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
07/2019 Habilitation Award (Habilitationspreis der Münchner Universitätsgesellchaft)
12/2017-03/2019 BGF Postdoctoral Scholarship “Bayerische Gleichstellungsförderung, Exzellenzstipendium”
10/2015-01/2017 BGF Postdoctoral Scholarship “Bayerischen Gleichstellungsförderung, Habilitationsstipendium”
06/2012 Novartis Research Award for the project: „Role of hematopoetic precursor cells for the growth of experimental malignant glioma”
3/2010 – 8/2012 Research Scholarship „Förderprogramm Forschung und Lehre“, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich „Role of CXCL13 for growth and CNS-tropism of primary CNS lymphoma”
10/ 2004-12/2005D FG-Schlarship (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), College 688: Neurotraumatology and Neurorehabilitation
a) Articles published by outlets with scientific quality assurance, book publications and works accepted for publication, but not yet published
1. Zhou X, Mulazzani M, von Mücke-Heim IA, Langer S, Zhang W, Ishikawa-Ankerhold H, Dreyling M, Straube A, von Baumgarten L. The Role of BAFF-R Signaling in the Growth of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma. Front Oncol. 2020 May 27;10:682
2. von Baumgarten L, Kumbrink J, Jung A, Reischer A, Flach M, Liebmann S, Metzeler KH, Holch JW, Niyazi M, Thon N, Straube A, von Bergwelt-Baildon M, Heinemann V, Kirchner T, Westphalen CB. Therapeutic management of neuro-oncologic patients – potential relevance of CSF liquid biopsy. Theranostics. 2020 Jan 1;10(2):856-866.
3. Mulazzani M, Fräßle SP, von Mücke-Heim I, Langer S, Zhou X, Ishikawa-Ankerhold H, Leube J, Zhang W, Dötsch S, Svec M, Rudelius M, Dreyling M, von Bergwelt-Baildon M, Straube A, Buchholz VR, Busch DH, von Baumgarten L. Long-term in vivo microscopy of CAR T cell dynamics during eradication of CNS lymphoma in mice. PNAS 2019 Nov 26;116(48):24275-2428
4. O’Connor T, Zhou X, Kosla J, Adili A, Garcia Beccaria M, Kotsiliti E, Pfister D, Johlke AL, Sinha A, Sankowski R, Schick M, Lewis R, Dokalis N, Seubert B, Höchst B, Inverso D, Heide D, Zhang W, Weihrich P, Manske K, Wohlleber D, Anton M, Hoellein A, Seleznik G, Bremer J, Bleul S, Augustin HG, Scherer F, Koedel U, Weber A, Protzer U, Förster R, Wirth T, Aguzzi A, Meissner F, Prinz M, Baumann B, Höpken UE, Knolle PA, von Baumgarten L, Keller U, Heikenwalder M. Age-Related Gliosis Promotes Central Nervous System Lymphoma through CCL19-Mediated Tumor Cell Retention. Cancer Cell. 2019 Sep 16;36(3):250-267
5. Mulazzani M, Huber M, Borchard S, Langer S, Angele B, Schuh E, Meinl, E, Dreyling M, Birnbaum T, Straube A, Koedel U, von Baumgarten L. APRIL and BAFF: novel biomarkers for central nervous system lymphoma, J Hematol Oncol. 2019 Oct 15;12(1):102.
6. Thaler FS, Laurent SA, Huber M, Mulazzani M, Dreyling M, Ködel U, Kümpfel T, Straube A, Meinl E, von Baumgarten L. Soluble TACI and soluble BCMA as biomarkers in primary central nervous system lymphoma. Neuro Oncol. 2017 Nov 29;19(12):1618-1627.
7. Kasenda B, Ihorst G, Schroers R, Korfel A, Schmidt-Wolf I, Egerer G, von Baumgarten L, Röth A, Bloehdorn J, Möhle R, Binder M, Keller U, Lamprecht M, Pfreundschuh M, Valk E, Fricker H, Schorb E, Fritsch K, Finke J, Illerhaus G. High-dose chemotherapy with autologous haematopoietic stem cell support for relapsed or refractory primary CNS lymphoma: a prospective multicentre trial by the German Cooperative PCNSL study group. Leukemia 2017 Dec;31(12):2623-2629. Epub 2017 May 31.
8. von Baumgarten L, Brucker D, Tirniceru A, Kienast Y, Grau S, Burgold S, Herms J, Winkler F. Bevacizumab has differential and dose-dependent effects on glioma blood vessels and tumor cells. Clin Cancer Res. 2011 Oct, ;17(19):6192-205
9. Kienast Y, von Baumgarten L, Fuhrmann M, Klinkert WE, Goldbrunner R, Herms J, Winkler F.Real-time imaging reveals the single steps of brain metastasis formation. Nat Med. 2010 Jan, ;16(1):116-22.
10. Plesnila N*, von Baumgarten L*, Retiounskaia M, Engel D, Ardeshiri A, Zimmermann R, Hoffmann F, Landshamer S, Wagner E, Culmsee C. Delayed neuronal death after brain trauma involves p53-dependent inhibition of NF-kappaB transcriptional activity. Cell Death Differ. 2007 Aug;14(8):1529-41. * both authors contributed equally