Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Sauer
Lehrstuhl für Biotechnologie und Biophysik, Biozentrum
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
9074 Würzburg
Phone: +49 931 31 88687
Email: m.sauer@uni-wuerzburg.de
University training and degree
1991 – 1995 TU Karlsruhe, Universität des Saarlandes, Universität Heidelberg (1985 – 1991), Universität Heidelberg, Dr. rer. nat.
Advanced academic qualifications
2003 Habilitation: Physical Chemistry, Universität Heidelberg, Mentor: Jürgen Wolfrum
1995 Dissertation: Physical Chemistry, Universität Heidelberg, Mentor: Jürgen Wolfrum
Postgraduate professional career
2017 – 2019 Spokesperson of the Biocenter
2017 – 2019 Dean of the Biology Faculty, Julius Maximilian University Würzburg
2015 – 2020 Deputy Spokesperson of SFB TRRR 166 ReceptorLight
2009 – Professor (W3) for Biotechnology & Biophysics at Julius Maximilian University Würzburg
2008 – 2009 Dean of the Physics Faculty, Bielefeld University
2003 – 2009 Professor (C4) for Applied Laser Physics and Laser Spectroscopy at Bielefeld University
1999 Stay abroad in the group of Prof. Dr. Shimon Weiss at the LBNL, Berkeley; Collaboration on semiconductor nanocrystals and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of single molecules.
1997 – 2002 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent (C1) in the group of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wolfrum at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg; Group leader Biophysical Chemistry, focus: single-molecule spectroscopy and diagnostic applications.
1995 – 1997 Postdoc in the group of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wolfrum at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg; Setup of a new group with research focus „Single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy/Single-molecule DNA sequencing.
2016 Gregorio Weber Award for Excellence in Fluorescence Theory & Applications
2012 Most Cited Article Award of the European Photochemistry and Photobiology Society
1998 BioFuture Award of the BMBF for the detection, analysis, and handling of single molecules
1997 Victor Meyer Award of the University of Heidelberg for the development of new techniques for the optical detection of single molecules in solution
2016 – Member of the Scientific Advisory Board France BioImaging
2016 – Editorial Board Member of Histochemistry and Cell Biology
2014 – Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Institut Interdisciplinaire de NeuroScience, Bordeaux, FRance
2014 – Editorial Board Member of Journal of Structural Biology
2012 – Editorial Board Member of Methods in Applications in Fluorescence
a) Articles published by outlets with scientific quality assurance, book publications and works accepted for publication, but not yet published
1. Zwettler, FU, Spindler, MC, Reinhard, S, Klein, T, Kurz, A, Benavente*, R, Sauer*, M. Tracking down the molecular architecture of the synaptonemal complex by expansion microscopy. Nat Commun 2020; 11:3222.
2. Zwettler, FU, Reinhard, S, Gambarotto, D, Bell, TDM, Hamel*, V, Guichard*, P, Sauer*, M. Molecular resolution imaging by post-labeling expansion single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM). Nat. Commun 2020; 11:3388.
3. Gambarotto’, D, Zwettler’, FU, Le Guennec, M, Schmidt-Cernhorska, M, Fortun, D, Borgers, S, Heine, J, Schloetel, JG, J, Reuss, M, Unser, M, Boyden, ES, Sauer*, M, Hamel*, V, Guichard*, P. Imaging cellular ultrastructures using expansion microscopy (U-ExM). Nat Methods 2019; 16, 71-74.
4. Nerreter, T, Letschert, S, Götz, R, Doose, S, Danhof, S, Einsele, H, Sauer*, M, Hudecek*, M. Super-resolution microscopy reveals ultra-low CD19 expression on myeloma cells that triggers elimination by CD19 CAR-T. Nat Commun 2019; 10(1):3137.
5. Niehörster, T, Löschberger, A, Gregor, I, Krämer, B, Patting, M, Koberling, F, Enderlein, J, Sauer*, M. Multi-target spectrally resolved fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. Nat Methods 2016; 13:257-262.
6. Wolter, S, Löschberger, A, Holm, T, Aufmkolk, S, Dabauvalle, MC, van de Linde, S, Sauer*, M. rapidSTORM: Accurate, fast and open-source software for localization microscopy. Nat Methods 2012; 9:1040-1041.
7. Löschberger, A, van de Linde, S, Rieger, B, Dabauvalle, MC, Heilemann, M, Krohne, G, Sauer*, M. Super-resolution imaging visualizes eightfold symmetry of gp210 proteins around the nuclear pore complex and resolves the central channel with nanometer resolution. J Cell Sci 2012; 125:570-575.
8. van de Linde, S, Löschberger, A, Klein, T, Heidbreder, M, Wolter, S, Heilemann, M, Sauer*, M. Direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy with standard fluorescent probes. Nat Protocols 2011; 6:991-1009.
9. Klein, T, Löschberger, A, Proppert, S, Wolter, S, van de Linde, S, Sauer*, M. Live-cell dSTORM with SNAP-tag fusion proteins. Nat Methods 2011; 8:7-9.
10. Wombacher, R, Heidbreder, M, van de Linde, S, Sheetz, MP, Heilemann, M, Cornish, VW, Sauer*, M. Live-cell super-resolution imaging with trimethoprim conjugates. Nat Methods 2010; 7:717-719.